Reflexology Training FAQs

Informed choice is so important to us! Not only are we reflexologists, most of our training team are also doulas. We live and breathe benefits, risks, alternatives in our work and we take supporting you in your informed decision making with your training very seriously. We always welcome any questions you have and we thought it might be helpful if answered some of our most FAQ's.
Can I practice reflexology professionally after completing the training?
Yes. Reflexology is not regulated in most areas. Even if it were, By the Moon meets and exceeds industry standards. Our Reflexology Trainers are actively practicing this modality with clients every week as are many of our alumni. Our certification course is more than enough to qualify you to start your very own professional reflexology business.
If you would like to better understand regulation, licensing, insurance etc. check out this blog post.
What does Reflexology Training include?
What kind of support or mentorship is offered during and after the training?
Connection with your trainers and peers is a valuable part of your training and you are encouraged to participate in a way that feels right for you. We offer optional regularly scheduled live online study groups with one of our reflexology teaching assistants to help you prepare for your written exam, we offer regularly scheduled free live online seminars that provide an opportunity to connect, check in, learn something valuable and ask any questions you may have, we offer a free online forum where you can connect with students and trainers, ongoing email support with our training team and more. Some of our alumni choose to pay for one on one mentor support with a By the Moon mentor who can help you overcome blocks and limiting beliefs, someone who can hold you accountable and support you in creating a thriving reflexology business!
Does By the Moon provide me with my volunteer clients?
While you are completing your reflexology training it is a requirement to complete 70 documented practice reflexology sessions on volunteer clients. We do not provide you with your volunteers. Our students usually offer their early reflexology sessions to people they live with or are close to. This can include partners, children, parents, siblings, friends and acquaintances. It's usually not difficult to find someone who would like to receive your early sessions and you can work on the same people multiple times. In fact, we want you to practice on at least 5 people who receive at least 5 sessions each. Don't forget to ask your early volunteer clients who else they know that might enjoy a practice reflexology session. Don't forget to document your sessions using the forms we provide!
What kind of job opportunities can I expect after completing reflexology training?
99% of Certified Reflexologists become entrepreneurs. We almost always run our own holistic businesses. Rarely do we work as employees but these opportunities do exist if you look for them. You might be an employee at a spa, salon or professional massage clinic. Chances are you'll have your own business even if you work out of someone else's holistic wellness clinic. We teach you everything you need to know about entrepreneurship in our Building Your Holistic Business course that is included with all of our training programs. Many of our alumni enjoy running their business as much as they enjoy helping their clients with their health.
What did I miss? Can you think of any other questions? Send me an email and I'll happily answer anything else you can think of.