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In Person Retreat Style Learning

All of the practical Holistic Reproductive Practitioner skills can be learned at home using our amazing online resources which include detailed videos and illustrated guides. 

However, our students have really enjoyed their in person practical learning together at our retreat style in person training experiences.

During 5 full days of in person experiential learning students can:

  • give and receive reflexology sessions

  • give and receive energy healing sessions

  • experience energy healing techniques for surrender, inner child healing, maternal line healing and more

  • do daily practices for holistic business manifestation, creativity and real self care

  •  use prenatal yoga to learn about positions and movement for pregnancy and birth

  • use yin yoga for infertility, surrender and sitting in the mud

  • participate in group ceremony for birth trauma healing, fear release and manifestation

  • learn practical reflexology techniques for edema

  • practice breech baby turning techniques

  • exchange comfort measures for birth

  • experience holistic reproductive healing techniques

  • create life long memories and connections

  • indulge in time away for healing, learning and support

  • and so much more..

All students who attend in person training will still also have access to our student portal with online resources for all of the above. 

Students can attend in person training at any time! Whether you are just about to begin your training with us, are anywhere in your two year program or even if you have already completed your course, all By the Moon Holistic Reproductive Practitioner students are welcome to attend. 

Cost: $425*
For new or current students the cost of in person training can be added to existing tuition instalment invoices.
You must be a By the Moon Holistic Reproductive Practitioner student to attend. If you have not already registered for Holistic Reproductive Practitioner training, please choose your course start date here
Course Outline


*Additional costs may be incurred for travel and accommodation.

Locations and dates:

Vancouver Island, British Columbia

February 6-10, 2023

Learn more or Register

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