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Online and Virtual Support for Holistic Reproductive Practitioners

By the Moon Holistic Reproductive Practitioner training emphasizes the importance of students and alumni committing to an ongoing journey of self awareness, growth and healing. Our mantra is "we can only take others as far as we have come." By the Moon HRP students are encouraged to seek out healing support from a variety of practitioners of different healing modalities including those that are a part of By the Moon HRP training (reflexology and energy healing) but also counsellors, hypnotherapists, chiropractors and other body workers, etc. 

Students and alumni of By the Moon's doula, Reiki and reflexology classes experience many opportunities to receive healing support from the By the Moon community. By the Moon offers regular online virtual healing sessions where Reiki practitioners and trainers send distance Reiki to the group in combination with other appropriate techniques such as guided relaxation, meditation, guided visualization and other energy healing techniques. Our students and alumni benefit from learning through their own experiences of giving and receiving holistic healing support and gain confidence in their own ability to offer group or one on one virtual healing sessions and seminars to their own clients. 

Our students also exchange one on one sessions with each other at times of crisis, need or desire.

Distance energy healing support can help students learn through their own healing journey. Distance healing clients are always active participants in their healing process, receive healing guidance and support, but are almost always encouraged to complete "homework" that may include ceremony or other healing practices. This is an integral part of mastering the craft of supporting others. We learn more through our own growth than we can in any book or class.


By combining healing support and training with experienced and wise instructors, By the Moon HRP students gain confidence and soul advancement that prepare By the Moon Holistic Reproductive Practitioners for success after formal training is complete.


Course Outline


Mission and Vision

doula and Reiki school
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